
Videos The Ultimate Guide to New York Long-Term Care Planning | LawBits for Seniors What is the Medicaid Penalty Period? | Medicaid Look-Back Period Explained Too Many Assets for Medicaid? What Can I Do? | LawBits for Seniors Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy...


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Live And Invest Globally We design legal strategies to build and protect your global wealth for the next generation. Download Our Free Report "Making Safe and Smart Investments in Overseas Real Estate Properties" Find out common mistakes people make when they invest...


Testimonials Customer Reviews Saeok Jang 2023-08-22 서로가 서로를 돕는 상부상조의 관계를 지닌 가족같으신 변호사님입니다 해결되지 않는 문제라면 바로 김지하변호사님과 상담하시면조언이됩니다 고민할 필요없이 바로 연락하세요 감사합니다 JW 2023-06-29 Knowledgeable and responsive. Very through in her explanation and guided us through with patience.!...